Thursday, 16 March 2017

US Export Filing Requirements and the Proper Use of EAR 99 - By AtoZ Compliance

Key Take Away :

This webinar will cover US Export Filing Requirements and the proper use of EAR 99for global trade compliance, failure of which can result in costly customs holds and or fines/penalties.

Overview :

Companies that export or want to export must file accurate information with the correct government agencies. They must know how to classify their exports following the Export Administration Regulations (EAR 99 compliance). There is no room for errors in International trade compliance.

Make sure your business is filing correctly, fines and penalties are expensive and can lead to bad press and loss of business.

Why Should You Attend :

Exports are governed by the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS). BIS falls under the US Department of Commerce. US export trade compliance is regulated by the type of export, the value of the export, and the destination of the export. These trade compliance solutions will help you determine the documents needed, and the filings needed to legally export.

Your export may need a license or may have an exception or other legal requirement. Every export needs a specific set of documents.

This webinar will cover how to determine what those requirements may be. You will learn how to determine if yourexport needs a license and which agency you will need to acquire the license from. Many exporters depend on forwarders to guide them through. Others apply an exception without reviewing or applying the correct criteria. Often using a standard exception such as EAR 99. You will learn how to make that determination, or where to find help to make a proper filing.

We will look at the Export Administration Regulations and how to navigate them. The webinar will also discuss the latest terminology to keep import export complianceready to address brokerage/forwarder filing requirements. Your export is your customers import.

Learn what you need to know to gain export trade compliance advantages in various countries.

Areas Covered In This Webinar :

US Export requirements
Learn the latest terminology and acronyms
How does this affect global trade facilitation?
Determine if time and cost savings are available
Learn how to navigate the Export Administration Regulations
Determine if you are compliant with import and export requirements
Learn what documents are required for exporting

Learning Objectives :

Understanding export administration requirements
Understand documentation requirements (commercial invoice, SED, SLI, packing slip, etc.)
Determine correct use of EAR 99
Identify other governmental agency requirements
Learn what reports are available
Create an export management control program
Learn how your forwarder or broker can help

Who Will Benefit :

Companies engaged in Global Trade
Finance Professionals
Global Tax Professionals
Trade Compliance Professionals
Logistics Managers
Company Compliance Officers
Import/ Export Professionals

For more information, please visit :
Toll Free: +1- 844-414-1400
Tel: +1-516-900-5509


Speakers Profile :

Grant Smith
Grant Smith an International trade consultant is the owner of Grant Smith Consulting, LLC. Mr. Smith is a trade compliance professional with 30 years of experience in global logistics and trade compliance.

A licensed customs broker and certified customs specialist, Mr Smith is also IATA and DOT Certified. He has been working for global corporations, implementing trade programs and providing training in multiple regions internationally.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Same-Day ACH: The Business Perspective - By AtoZ Compliance

Key Take Away :

This webinar will review some common misunderstandings and questions surrounding Same-Day entries processing to ensure your organization is prepared for each phase of implementation.

Overview :

In response to the need for faster electronic payments and settlement, NACHA implemented Same-Day ACH. This new, NACHA compliance faster payments option is rolling out over the course of three years; the first phase for credit transactions went into effect in September 2016.

This NACHA webinar will develop an action items list and determine if Same-Day ACH is appropriate for your business. The webinar will also evaluate anticipated risks, fraud, costs, common criteria institutions use to determine eligibility and common restrictions that will be imposed.

Why Should You Attend :

While many organizations can immediately see the benefits of Same-Day ACH, there are a number of risks and potential costs they may not be aware of.

Same-Day ACH training online will present challenges for participants who aren’t properly educated on the new rules and risks. Same-Day ACH is an optional service that financial institutions won’t offer to every business.

Areas Covered In This Webinar :

Same-Day ACH background
How Same-Day ACH affects businesses, their employees and their customers
Preparing for Same-Day ACH
The phases of implementation
How to tell if an entry is Same-Day
Which entries are allowed in Same-Day ACH and which are prohibited
Educating your receivers of these entries so they know what to expect
How financial institutions often select business customers to use Same-Day ACH
Anticipated challenges
Considerations to managing enhanced risk and fraud potential
Valuable resources

Learning Objectives :

Review Same-Day ACH implementation timeline and milestones
Isolate opportunities and risks
Determine if Same-Day ACH is appropriate for your business
Record critical rules and risk management criteria

Who Will Benefit :

Small Businesses
Mid-sized Businesses
Large Businesses
Non-profit Organizations
Insurance Companies
Payday Lenders
Payment Processors
Third-party Providers
Third-party Senders
Credit Card Providers/ Processors
Retail Companies

For more information, please visit :
Toll Free: +1- 844-414-1400
Tel: +1-516-900-5509


Speakers Profile :

Rayleen M. Pirnie
Rayleen M. Pirnie, AAPis the founder and owner of RP Payments Risk Consulting Services, LLC., based in Missouri. She is a nationally recognized speaker whose educational programs provide valuable, actionable strategies for financial institutions and businesses on topics ranging from payments risk management to information security. She is the author of several payments risk and fraud blogs geared toward helping organizations recognize threats and protect themselves from loss.

Rayleen has spoken at national and regional conferences for over 16 years. Recent events include NACHA’s Payments Conference, the American Bankers Association Risk Management Forum, the Security Matters annual conference at Murray State University, the Risk Management Association, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City’s Risk Management Conference.

Always endeavoring to help organizations manage payments risk, Rayleen has supported many notable organizations over the years. She is currently member of the International Association of Financial Crimes Investigators, supporting their training programs since 1998. She sat on NACHA’s Risk Management Advisory group for two terms, and assisted with FSISAC’s first CAPP exercise, to name just a few.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Advances in Fall Protection: Guidance and Regulation for General Industry-ANSI Z359, Proposed OSHA Subpart D & I - By AtoZ Compliance

Key Take Away :

This webinar will address the current Subpart D and I Rules and examine the General Duty Clause as it relates to some General Industry fall hazard activities and give you an understanding of OSHA's stance on worker responsibili-ty for fall protection plan.

Overview :

Did you know that when it comes to managing fall protec-tion in the General Industry there is much confusion unlike the construction and maritime industries.

OSHA regulations traininghas published a notice of pro-posed rulemaking (NPRM) on subparts D and I of 29 CFR 1910, which contain occupational safety standards for general industry. OSHA believes the proposed rule will substantially reduce work-related injuries and deaths.

The proposed regulations involve a new mandate for fall hazard activities. In proposed subpart I, related to fall pro-tection personal protective equipment, specific language requires employers to identify all fall hazards related to work tasks and locations that put workers at risk for a fall.

While this has always been the case for other types of ha-zards where PPE is required, it is now explicitly required for fall hazards. Companies should begin to look closely at OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910 regulations to determine how they could impact their organizations, what changes will be required in existing fall protection programs, and if a proposed change actually looks feasible, consider imple-menting prior to regulation finalization.

Why Should You Attend :

A leading cause of worker-related injury and death comes from employees slipping, tripping, or falling from work surfaces such as floors, platforms, portable and fixed lad-ders, stairs, and ramps.

Employees may be exposed and unprotected from these hazards or may have a protection system in place but are using that system incorrectly and require workplace train-ing.

To combat the threats of slips, trips, and falls that em-ployees across industries may face, OSHA has published a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) on subparts D and I of 29 CFR 1910, which contain occupational safety stan-dards for general industry. OSHA believes the proposed rule will substantially reduce work-related injuries and deaths.

Join us for an in-depth webinar where you'll learn how to evaluate your existing programs to determine improve-ment opportunities based on best practices, ANSI Z359, Version 3, and the proposed OSHA rules.

Areas Covered In This Webinar :

The typical slips, trips, and fall accidents to be aware of, and the common causes of those types of incidents
OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910 Subpart D requirements for fall protection
29 CFR 10910 Subpart F requirements for powered plat-forms, man lifts, and vehicle-mounted work platforms
Compliance keys to GI for ladder safety
Fall protection requirements for special cases including walking and working surfaces not covered in Subpart D
Proposed Final Rule regarding Fall protection& Walking Working Surfaces
29 CFR 1910 Subpart I requirements for PPE
OSHA Unified Agenda upcoming changes to Subpart D and I

Learning Objectives :

Identifying fall hazards in General Industry and proactive assessment methods to identify slip trip and fall hazards
Understanding the current Subpart D and I rules
Explain the General Duty Clause as it re-lates to some GI fall hazard activities
Understanding OSHA's stance on worker responsibility for fall protection
Illustrate Fall protection rescue plan re-quirements

Who Will Benefit :

Labor Law Attorneys
Environmental Managers
Safety and Health Managers
HR Managers
Plant Managers
Operations Managers
Project Managers
Safety Consultants
Risk Managers
Emergency Response Teams

For more information, please visit :
Toll Free: +1- 844-414-1400
Tel: +1-516-900-5509


Speakers Profile :

Michael Aust
Mr. Michael Aust is the Senior Safety Specialist at 1030 Communications, LLC. Mr. Aust has a Master of Science in Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Management and is a Certified Environmental Compliance Manager #5678. Mr. Aust also served as the management representative for various safety and environmental management systems throughout his career.  He is an Authorized OSHA Outreach Instructor for both General Industry and Construction Industry.

Michael has provided safety management expertise and regulatory compliance to a variety of industries since 1995. His extensive experience in the safety and health field has been earned from working in a variety of different types of organizations within the private sector. He has developed and implemented safety management systems for organizations without such processes and has helped mature management systems for Fortune 50 and Fortune 100 companies.

Mr. Aust has provided safety auditing, inspecting and training services for companies such as US Fusion, The TopCor Companies, BP North America, Honeywell, Gulf South Safety Consultants, The Commodore Corporation – Indiana Division, JE Spear Consulting, Ivy Tech Corporate College, Eaton and The Andersons to only name a few.  He is also a content contributor for various safety newsletters and blogs.

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Managing the Brouhaha of Chaos in Your Workplace: Solutions for Surviving the New Workplace Norm -By AtoZ Compliance

Key Take Away :

This webinar will explore what is chaotic in your work environment and will provide you with a myriad of specific tools and techniques to minimize the confusion, melee, and stress the chaos is causing in your career.

Overview :

Is your in-box overflowing with e-mails requiring your immediate attention? Are you frazzled because of the timeframe required to finish a project? Are you fed up with the copier always breaking down just when you are the one who needs it? Do you have too many direct reports to support? Do you have to report to more than one boss? Do any of these issues sound familiar?

Let’s face it, chaos is the new norm for organizations, and therefore for you as a manager, supervisor, administrative assistant, and employee. What is chaos?  The short definition is that it is a state of disorder. Chaos is unpredictable (usually) and often unexpected.

Organizations are said to be comprised of dynamic forces of stability and instability which lead to chaos. While organizations are in a constant state of chaos, it doesn’t mean that you, as an employee, need to be in chaos.  Planning, multi-tasking, prioritizing, time-management, too many e-mails and voice-mails -  it’s enough to drive up our heart rate, give us stomach problems and headaches, and make us all crabby.

If you need stress management techniques on ways to relieve stress, you’re not alone. All of us are victims of this villain at times and need stress reduction techniques. As Patricia Hutchings, author of Managing Workplace Chaos, says, “Without the skills needed to make your way through a typical, crazy workday, you could find yourself drowning in a sea of data, documents, and distress.”

We will even examine some of the positive aspects of chaos—yes, hard to believe there is anything to celebrate about chaos, but there are some benefits to commotion as well.

Why Should You Attend :

None of us can take away harassment in the workplace, change the workplace violence policy or decide on health and safety in the workplace, on our desk, in our in-box, and with our organizational climate—all of which cause stress and negatively impact our health and our ability to be productive.

We do, however, have control over how we deal with the stress of chaos by using tools to minimize the brouhaha.

Areas Covered In This Webinar :

To analyze what creates chaos for you at work
To use specific assertiveness techniques to establish your boundaries when overwhelmed
To examine 5 tools to apply when determining your priorities, managing time, reducing stress, multitasking, and managing interruptions
To identify decision making techniques to use when under pressure

Learning Objectives :

To manage information overload such as e-mails, data, tweets, posts, and phone messages to minimize burnout
To discuss chaos created by your boss and colleagues such as shifting priorities, unclear direction, unstable processes, and a disengaged boss
To determine your day’s priorities
To explore how the brain processes information and its relationship with multitasking

Who Will Benefit :

Everyone who is Employed
For more information, please visit :
Toll Free: +1- 844-414-1400
Tel: +1-516-900-5509


Speakers Profile :

Dr. Susan Strauss
Dr. Susan Strauss RN Ed.D., has worked as a registered nurse (RN) in a variety of nursing specialties. She has also been the director of healthcare quality improvement, director of education and development, and held other healthcare leadership roles.

One of Dr. Strauss’s areas of expertise is with bullying and harassment in healthcare- working as an expert witness for lawsuits, training, and conducting investigations. She researched physician abuse to RNs in the OR to determine if the abuse varied based on the gender of the nurse.

Dr. Strauss has authored over 30 books, book chapters, and articles, and has been featured on local, national and international media. Susan has conducted seminars and consulted with organizations, including healthcare, globally.

In addition to her RN, Susan has a master’s degree in community health science, and holds a doctorate in organizational leadership.