Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Managing the Brouhaha of Chaos in Your Workplace: Solutions for Surviving the New Workplace Norm -By AtoZ Compliance

Key Take Away :

This webinar will explore what is chaotic in your work environment and will provide you with a myriad of specific tools and techniques to minimize the confusion, melee, and stress the chaos is causing in your career.

Overview :

Is your in-box overflowing with e-mails requiring your immediate attention? Are you frazzled because of the timeframe required to finish a project? Are you fed up with the copier always breaking down just when you are the one who needs it? Do you have too many direct reports to support? Do you have to report to more than one boss? Do any of these issues sound familiar?

Let’s face it, chaos is the new norm for organizations, and therefore for you as a manager, supervisor, administrative assistant, and employee. What is chaos?  The short definition is that it is a state of disorder. Chaos is unpredictable (usually) and often unexpected.

Organizations are said to be comprised of dynamic forces of stability and instability which lead to chaos. While organizations are in a constant state of chaos, it doesn’t mean that you, as an employee, need to be in chaos.  Planning, multi-tasking, prioritizing, time-management, too many e-mails and voice-mails -  it’s enough to drive up our heart rate, give us stomach problems and headaches, and make us all crabby.

If you need stress management techniques on ways to relieve stress, you’re not alone. All of us are victims of this villain at times and need stress reduction techniques. As Patricia Hutchings, author of Managing Workplace Chaos, says, “Without the skills needed to make your way through a typical, crazy workday, you could find yourself drowning in a sea of data, documents, and distress.”

We will even examine some of the positive aspects of chaos—yes, hard to believe there is anything to celebrate about chaos, but there are some benefits to commotion as well.

Why Should You Attend :

None of us can take away harassment in the workplace, change the workplace violence policy or decide on health and safety in the workplace, on our desk, in our in-box, and with our organizational climate—all of which cause stress and negatively impact our health and our ability to be productive.

We do, however, have control over how we deal with the stress of chaos by using tools to minimize the brouhaha.

Areas Covered In This Webinar :

To analyze what creates chaos for you at work
To use specific assertiveness techniques to establish your boundaries when overwhelmed
To examine 5 tools to apply when determining your priorities, managing time, reducing stress, multitasking, and managing interruptions
To identify decision making techniques to use when under pressure

Learning Objectives :

To manage information overload such as e-mails, data, tweets, posts, and phone messages to minimize burnout
To discuss chaos created by your boss and colleagues such as shifting priorities, unclear direction, unstable processes, and a disengaged boss
To determine your day’s priorities
To explore how the brain processes information and its relationship with multitasking

Who Will Benefit :

Everyone who is Employed
For more information, please visit :
Email: support@atozcompliance.com
Toll Free: +1- 844-414-1400
Tel: +1-516-900-5509


Speakers Profile :

Dr. Susan Strauss
Dr. Susan Strauss RN Ed.D., has worked as a registered nurse (RN) in a variety of nursing specialties. She has also been the director of healthcare quality improvement, director of education and development, and held other healthcare leadership roles.

One of Dr. Strauss’s areas of expertise is with bullying and harassment in healthcare- working as an expert witness for lawsuits, training, and conducting investigations. She researched physician abuse to RNs in the OR to determine if the abuse varied based on the gender of the nurse.

Dr. Strauss has authored over 30 books, book chapters, and articles, and has been featured on local, national and international media. Susan has conducted seminars and consulted with organizations, including healthcare, globally.

In addition to her RN, Susan has a master’s degree in community health science, and holds a doctorate in organizational leadership.

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